On this day, Roderick George Toombs better known as "Rowdy" Roddy Piper was born. John Carpenter casted a popular wrestler, an unknown actor to cinema, to play Nada: a west coast drifter who stumbles across a box of black sunglasses that allow him to see an alien race disguising itself as human. Not only is this a cult classic, but the film continues to age like a fine wine, as more and more people put on the damn glasses and realize it's a satirical reflection of the times we're living in. Over the years, They Live has become the mecca of conspiracy, a mirror for globalist overreach, consumerism, and subliminal messaging in our society. It shines a light on the various wolves in sheep's clothing who exist primarily to serve a nefarious narrative. TBH you won't find anyone on this planet who hates unnecessary Hollywood remakes and sequel cash grabs more than I do, but when you really think about it, is there another project more deserving of a fresh coat of paint than They Live? It's not a perfect movie but any means, but it carries with it a brutal honesty at its core, criticizing many of the illusions put in place to control the masses. I'd argue it would be difficult for any director to fill Carpenter's shoes, as the guy is an iconic legendary badass, but I think it's time one of today's respected auteurs step up to the plate. What do you guys think? A friend of mine gave me this book. I highly recommend it as it offers deep analysis and thematic commentary on the film from all angles. They Live: A Novel Approach to Cinema (Deep Focus) by Jonathan Lethem. *Here's a photo of me and my brother in character. Cheers! https://preview.redd.it/26gerza6r2vc1.jpg?width=1424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a25cc7188b894e42a587fdb821039721913fee8 submitted by /u/NoirDoICare |