h.wood Group is a leading company of lifestyle, nightlife, and restaurants here in Hollywood and now the company is making a giant leap into television and film.
The company might be famous for Bootsy Bellows, but it is now expanding its influence with a media branch for film and TV. h.wood Group recently added a multimedia division to their hospitality company, featuring a film and TV slate featuring projects with Kid Cudi and Machine Gun Kelly, among others. The new division’s ambitious new project as the company makes waves to carve a piece of itself as staying power in Hollywood is a documentary about Skepta, the British grime rapper behind tracks like “Greaze Mode” and “Gas Me Up (Diligent)” from his upcoming LP, Knife and Fork. The project is described as “a stirring documentary about the artist focusing on themes of cultural identity and artistry.”
The documentary is lined up to be co-directed BAFTA nominee Hector Dockrill and produced by Terzian and Toll along with Dwight Okechukwu of 1PLUS1 Production.
Says Okechuku, “I am thrilled and excited about our new partnership with powerhouse h.wood media, based in Los Angeles. As we embark on this collaborative journey, I am truly excited about the endless possibilities that lie ahead.”
41-year-old Skepta’s journey as the son of Nigerian immigrants has helped define his career and connected him with millions. His background and upbringing has helped to produce him into the multifaceted rapper, actor, fashion designer and producer that he is known as being today.
The doc will premiere in 2025.