Whether intentional or accidental, attacking a friendly NPC in Elden Ring can cause inconvenience and may even jeopardize the character’s questline. For instance, striking Sorceress Sellen , the Sorcery merchant within Waypoint Ruins, will cause her to disappear. Unfortunately, there is no way to bring her back or do business with her again – except through Atonement.
Absolution, also referred to as Atonement, is a system that grants you a second chance with an angered NPC in Elden Ring, calming their seemingly permanent hostility. This feature allows Tarnished to restore their relationship with an NPC and normally continue business or quests as they were before. Accordingly, to de-aggro NPCs, you must visit the Church of Vows.

Elden Ring: How To Free Sellen In Witchbane Ruins
Sorcerer Sellen is one of the most important NPCs in Elden Ring. Sellen tasks players with finding her physical form imprisoned in Witchbane Ruins.
How To De-Aggro NPCs In Elden Ring
Make Familiar Faces Friendly Again
Anyone who has accidentally attacked an NPC in Elden Ring doesn’t get Atonement for free, as the service comes at the cost of a rare item called Celestial Dew . This elixir is a consumable item within the game that is described as a Hidden Tear you can find in the Eternal City. According to the item, drinking a Celestial Dew allows someone to “carry out an Absolution at the Church of Vows, reversing all antagonizations.”
Once you have a Celestial Dew, you can head to the Church of Vows and interact with the statue on the altar to atone for their sins (speaking to Elden Ring’s Turtle Pope is optional). This will remove any NPC hostility you have acquired up to this point. Thus, you can continue pursuing their quests and make purchases from shops without worrying about inconvenient aggression.
This landmark sits across the lake from the Raya Lucaria Academy within the region of Liurnia. To see the exact location of the Church of Vows in
Elden Ring,
check out the video from
Shark R
on YouTube below!
Removing NPC aggression in Elden Ring does not prevent them from becoming violent again if you accidentally attack them a second time. Using the Church of Vows only affects player actions up to that point – it does not allow you to act with impunity from that point forward. If your Tarnished character angers another character in the future, you’ll need to return to Elden Ring’s Church of Vows with another Celestial Dew.
Celestial Dew Locations In Elden Ring
Search Spots Around Eternal Cities
Celestial Dewcannot be crafted, meaning there is a limited supply of this item in Elden Ring. Although you technically don’t have to collect every Celestial Dew in the game, they can be useful to have due to the sheer number of NPCs you come across. With the number of characters you can run into increasing with the Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC, finding Celestial Dew may be more important than ever.
There are at least 11 different Celestial Dew items you can find around the open world in these locations:
Celestial Dew |
Where To Find |
Celestial Dew #1 |
Close to the Church of Vows as you enter the area. |
Celestial Dew #2 |
Purchased from one of the many Nomadic Merchants in Elden Ring near Ainsel River east of the Church for 7,500 Runes. |
Celestial Dew #3 |
Purchased from Pidia, a Carian Servant at Caria Manor, whose location can only be found when you go down the cliffs from the southwestern side of the Three Sisters region. |
Celestial Dew #4 |
On a corpse on a ledge overseeing the Uhl Palace Ruins area. |
Celestial Dew #5 |
On the ground somewhere in the Uhl Palace Ruins. |
Celestial Dew #6 |
On a corpse at the bottom of a ruin in Nokron, Eternal City, near the corner of the area. |
Celestial Dew #7 |
Within a dead body on the side of the road in the Night’s Sacred Ground area. |
Celestial Dew #8 |
On a corpse within another ruin, this time in the Nokstella, Eternal City area. |
Celestial Dew #9 |
Near some snails north of the Nokstella, Eternal City Site of Grace. |
Celestial Dew #10 |
On a corpse leaning against the inner side of the locked gate at the Raya Lucaria Academy area. |
Celestial Dew #11 |
From the Ancestral Woods Site of Grace, on a ledge next to the buildings within the Night’s Sacred Ground area. |
As you can see, many of the Celestial Dew items are hidden within Eternal City, an area the Tarnished will likely reach later in the game. To see most of the Celestial Dew locations Elden Ring has to offer, check out the video from YouTube creator Sipder below:
How To Get More Celestial Dews
Search The Right Areas For More
There are no more Celestial Dew items other than the ones listed earlier in the specific locations mentioned. Unfortunately, you will not have an opportunity to get those items again unless you restart your game of Elden Ring on New Game+ in the future. That being said, you shouldn’t have to use all 11 once you learn to not attack NPCs until you’ve heard what they have to say to your character.
Try to gather every Celestial Dew you can, even if you aren’t sure you are going to use one. While it’s not necessary to obtain every Celestial Dew, knowing where to get more and how to use it to de-aggro NPCs in Elden Ring is important, just in case you accidentally anger someone you shouldn’t.
Source: Shark R/YouTube, Sipder/YouTube