Awaria puts you in charge of maintaining generators that not only keep you safe from ghosts, but also let you find romance with them.
Your new repair job is a hectic, dangerous one. The generators in this place keep some deadly ghosts at bay, so the moment these start to break down, an array of unique female phantoms will appear and do their best to tear you apart. Each ghost has their own creative abilities, chasing the player, laying explosive traps, and spewing fireballs around the tiny levels. These increase in complexity the further you get in the game, and some of the ghosts will also start working with one, layering their attacks to ensure you die.
While the ghosts are lashing out at you, you have to carry out the repairs. To do this, you need to take the right parts to the machine to fix it. This involves walking close to the machine to grab a peek at what’s wrong, then going to find the right part. You can only carry two, so you need to be sure you’re carrying something helpful. Not only this, but the machines that make the repair parts often need to be primed or loaded with other parts to get what you need. This means you’re doing a lot of running back and forth to get what you need while also dodging ghost strikes. Needless to say, this gets frantic quickly.
Awaria is intense in its challenges, but thankfully its stages are short so the pressure doesn’t get overwhelming. As you fix the problems, you also start to figure out what’s been causing the haunting problems (while also collecting some kisses from the ghosts along the way – maybe you mean something more to them than they can initially remember?), delving into a brief, but still interesting sci fi story.
Awaria is available now (for free) on and Steam.
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