Being the child of superheroes can be challenging and for Florence, a bit lonely. In Webtoons’ The Superhero Flo, the young girl is aching for attention from her family and to accompany her heroic mom overseas in stopping the bad guys.
Read the synopsis here:
Florence is a lonely kid who only wants to receive attention from her family. She feels the only one that can fulfill this is her mom, a superhero who works overseas. To be with her, she must defeat 100 supervillains by the end of her school year. Florence faces the task head on, but the stress of her situation slowly starts to take a toll on her, and leaves a path of destruction in its wake.
Created by DJThunderHeart, the free comic is more than a book about superpowers and fighting crime. Florence is a wide-eyed kid who is searching for both attention and validation from her family. As you read each episode, you soon learn that her family dynamic is quite complicated, and there are clearly some incidents from the past that have changed the course of her life. You can’t help but sympathize with Flo as she tries her best to meet her goal.
The Superhero Flo updates every 15th and 30th. Begin here.