This month marks four years since Avengers: Endgame was released, giving fans their last experience with the characters Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans). While Tony Stark’s storyline wrapped up with finality in that film, it felt less complete with Steve Rogers. He was gone, passing the mantle to his friend, but he lived a whole lot of life in the time he returned the soul stone, and it seems like there’s a chance we will see him again.
recent appearance on ABC’s Good Morning America:
Just a couple of weeks ago, Evans appeared at the C2E2 event in Chicago, where he said, “I think there’s more Steve Rogers stories to tell, sure.” But with rumors swirling about his return in the upcoming Captain America: New World Order, Evans explained during a“Oh man, you know, as much as I would love to. That was such a special time in my life. I’m very precious with the character. That’s the problem. I’m so protective of it. To come back, it would have to be for the right reasons, [and the] right timing. It feels a little too soon. Anthony Mackie is Captain America right now. There are other stories to tell. For now, we ended on such a good note. I would be too worried about tarnishing.”
There are surely other stories to tell, and another Cap to spotlight for the time being. It will be very cool to see Evans back as Steve Rogers when the story and timing are right, and the creators at Marvel will undoubtedly know when that will be.
While we wait, Captain America: New World Order hits theaters on May 3, 2024.