David & Maria Lapham are best known as the creators of the acclaimed crime comic Stray Bullets. Now the team is bringing a new kind of crime series to BOOM! Studios with Underheist. Launching in December, the series follows a down-on-his-luck criminal who embarks on one last heist – one that may not be exactly what it seems.
Here’s how BOOM! describes Underheist:
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
After a losing fight to gambling addiction, David hits rock bottom and decimates his personal life in the process. He’d do anything for one last chance to get on the straight and narrow and set things right.
He may just be in luck, if you can call it that. Through the grapevine David learns of a heist–one involving a tunnel system that no one knows better than the former NYC subway veteran. One last job and he’s home free. All he needs to do is make it out alive.
Along with a main cover by David Lapham, Underheist #1 will sport variant covers by Dave Johnson and Goran Sudzuka.
In a statement announcing the series, David Lapham described how Underheist compares to he and Maria’s previous work on Stray Bullets:
“If you know our work then you know that we traditionally come at the crime genre from a very non-traditional angle with very non-traditional noir protagonists. I often call them “domestic noirs”. But with Underheist, we had this idea for a more straightforward story, centered around maybe the most traditional crime trope—the heist. Of course, we can’t do anything straightforward for more than five minute, and very quickly all these twisted, nightmarish ideas started to flood in…”
BOOM! Acquisitions Editor Jon Moisan also praised the Laphams for their work on the series:
“A supernatural heist story is a compelling premise. One told by David and Maria Lapham is a no-brainer. Do yourself a favor and preorder a copy for you and everyone you know. No one is going to want to miss out on Underheist. It’s a hell of a good time.”
Check out design artwork for the series’ characters by David Lapham below. Underheist #1 is set to arrive in stores and digitally on Wednesday, December 13th.