Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8-19-22 promise a world of hurt for Chad, Jennifer, and Jack when the truth comes out about Abigail.
Friday’s cliffhanger already confirmed what many of us suspected: the mystery woman is not Abigail and is playing the Deverauxes for reasons of her own.
Jennifer’s rushed back to Salem from Boston, eager to see her daughter, and almost everyone in the family is thrilled, which only sets them up for heartbreak.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers for The Week of 8-19-22 Promise The Beginning Of A Bumpy Ride
Abigail’s Family Won’t Learn The Truth For A While
The truth won’t all come out at once. That wouldn’t be any fun.
Right now, we’re in the set-up phase, and Jennifer’s return to Salem promises strong drama ahead.
“Abigail” will probably play the part of the not-so-dead daughter who has amnesia and has no idea who any of these people are who are so thrilled to see her., and Jennifer will fall for it as easily as Chad did.
While it’s understandable that Abigail’s family wants her back so badly that they’ll believe anything that suggests it’s possible, it’s also annoying that once-sharp characters like Jack and Jennifer are so easily snowed.
Coming back from the dead is something strange that happens so regularly in Salem that nobody finds “Abigail’s” story suspicious, but that doesn’t excuse two people who were once top investigative reporters from using their brains.
Hopefully, when JJ returns this fall, he’ll have those same razor-sharp instincts that led him to distrust Liam when everyone else thought Liam’s weird behavior was normal.
Meanwhile, Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8-19-24 suggest Chad will continue to try to get close to the woman he thinks is his late wife.
Chad’s doing a delicate balancing act. He doesn’t want to be like Stefan, who took advantage of Abigail’s mental illness to have sex with her that she couldn’t consent to, but he also wants to push her to remember their life together.
The mystery woman also has to be careful to make her amnesia act believable while making enough progress to keep her scam believable.
Gabi’s Confrontation With Ava and Stefan Should Be Epic
This Story Gives Cherie Jimenez The Opportunity To Cement Her Interpretation Of Gabi
Gabi’s decision to confront Stefan and Ava at the Bistro was masterful.
Sure, she lay it on a little thick about how much she loved Stefan, but her decision to pull the rug out from under the two cheaters by toasting to what they did was a plot twist Stefan and Ava didn’t see coming.
It was classic Gabi… but with a new actress.
Cherie Jimenez only recently took over the role of Gabi. Recasts are always hard, especially when an actress has been closely associated with a character for years, but this story will give Jimenez the chance to demonstrate her unique take on Gabi’s angry side.
Chad Attempts To Comfort “Abigail”.
But Who Is She Really?
Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8-19-22 are silent on the subject of who Fake Abigail really is.
From the one-sided phone call on Friday, it seems like she’s working with Clyde, but could that be a fakeout?
The woman could simply be a con artist after the Dimera fortune, as happened on an iconic Neighbours story involving a fake person pretending to be someone’s dead wife.
She also could be some other enemy of Chad’s or Jack’s. Her connection to John is still unknown, but the fact that she was living in the room where John was held captive suggests she could be Catherina or someone else connected to Konstantin’s family.
Leo Continues To Mistake Hattie For Marlena
How Long Will This Silliness Last?
This story exemplifies the writing team’s obsession with doppelgangers.
Marlena’s had a lookalike for a while, but this story is completely ridiculous and relies on both Leo and Hattie being stupid.
Leo never once calls Hattie “Dr. Evans,” and Hattie is somehow unable to figure out that he thinks she’s Marlena even though the whole point of her character is that people mistake her for Marlena all the time. Come on!
Will Chanel and Alex Be The Latest Characters Stuck With Body And Soul?
Days Of Our Lives Spoilers For The Week of 8-19-24 Say They Will Be Invited To Audition
The Body and Soul storyline has also worn out its welcome.
At first, it was a cute meta storyline about our favorite soap characters creating a soap of their own, but at this point, it’s a waste of screen time.
Abe and Kate keep fighting about whether to hire various Salemites to replace actors who don’t want to relocate, and now Abe will invite Chanel and Alex to audition.
Alex is newly single — Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8-19-24 say he also gets his annulment from Theresa — and Chanel is his ex but is now married to Johnny, who is directing this monstrosity, so this smells like the set-up for a horrible and unnecessary love triangle.
Jada Gets Close To An Arrest In Sarah’s Case
She Likely Has The Wrong Person As Usual
Fiona apparently thinks all the cover-ups on Your Honor are a great idea, as she’s put everything in motion to blame Brady for Sarah’s accident.
Brady’s been through this before. It wasn’t that long ago that he was falsely accused of Philip’s “murder,” which was part of a scheme to split Brady and Chloe up for the sake of drama.
This time, though, Brady was blacked out drunk rather than someone making it look like he fell off the wagon, and he doesn’t want people to know he’s been with Fiona, either. This will all make it much harder for him to clear his name.
Connie Targets Melinda
This Latest Vendetta May Be The Serial Killer’s Undoing
Melinda knows Connie is a fraud, but she doesn’t know she’s a killer, too, and Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 8-19-24 suggest that she’s put herself in Connie’s sights.
Melinda is not the kind of evil character that we love even though we don’t want to hang out with her, but she doesn’t deserve to be stabbed in the back or poisoned, either.
She’s also smart and well-connected, so Connie’s decision to get vengeance for Melinda firing her isn’t her best idea.
Maybe going after Melinda will cause Connie’s evil plans to unravel for once and all so that Salem can be rid of her. That would make Melinda’s sudden decision to fire her worth it.
Sophia Makes A Play For Tate
The Scorned Teen Is Not Done Getting Revenge On Holly
Days of Our Lives loves its twisted love triangles, and Sophia seems to be headed down the obsessive path that Jan Spears did.
She’s supposed to make a play for Tate, which many people assume means she’ll try to have sex with him.
That isn’t going to work, though, any more than Eve’s silly plan with Paige’s friend got JJ to sleep with a prostitute. Still, Sophia holds all the cards since she knows Tate never went to lacrosse camp, though good luck telling Brady that, considering his current state.
Sophia will likely get more obsessive and dangerous as time goes on, and we’re here for it.
Your turn, Days of Our Live fanatics. What spoilers are you most looking forward to?
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Days of Our Lives streams exclusively on Peacock. New episodes drop on weekday mornings at 6/5c.