Barry Allen might not be able to keep up with Wally West’s Flash anymore, but he’s about to play a crucial role in the DC Universe very soon. The Flash has lost his speed, and he had to quietly retire from the superhero life, but the former superhero is about to put another set of his skills to good use.
The year is going by quickly and fans have seen just whats on the horizon thanks to DC Comics’ June batch of solicitations. Later this year, fans are going to get a brand-new look at the various decades of the DCU in New History of the DC Universe.
Mark Waid is teaming up with an all-star list of artists such as Jerry Ordway and Todd Nauck to re-tell DC’s expansive history. Central to this four-issue miniseries is DC’s new “chronicler of time”, Barry Allen, who will guide fans through the various periods starting with the rise of the Justice Society.
Barry Allen is the DC Universe’s New Historian
A Perfect Fit For the Biggest DC Geek Alive
This story is developing…