Posted by Larry Gleeson
Bad Santa, a dark, holiday comedy embodied in a modern-day Christmas tale with a no holds barred, real “eating, drinking, shitting, fucking Santa Claus.” Billy Bob Thornton, as Santa, turns in his trademark surly, Napoleonic complex baring performance in raw format. Tony Cox plays his sidekick, Marcus, a lollipop kid club member, delivering colorful dialogue that stops Bernie Mac’s department detective, Gin, in his tracks. John Ritter plays straight man, Bob Chipeska, department store manager. Heather Graham turns in a earthy performance as a bartender who has a Santa complex. Scene stealer, Ajay Naidu’s character provides comic relief in his confronattion of Santy Claus, who he blames for his confused sexuality. But, it’s Brett Kelly’s performance as The Kid that makes the narrative work – think of Hitchcock’s McGuffin.
“A miserable conman and his partner pose as Santa and his Little Helper to rob department stores on Christmas Eve. But they run into problems when the conman befriends a troubled kid.” – IMDb
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