It seemed like in the final scenes of the movie, it was understood that bad guy, the High Evolutionary, played by Chukwudi Iwuji, had his face torn up by Rocket and ripped off by Gamora. Then his planet exploded, and it seemed his fate was sealed. But he was still breathing the last time we saw him. So a fan asked director James Gunn on Twitter what actually happened to the dude, and Gunn said that the High Evolutionary is “Imprisoned on Knowhere,” the skull-shaped base the Guardians call home.
The director also went into more detail about the ending, saying:
“It’s the whole culmination of Rocket’s journey. His shift comes in that he doesn’t kill him – he goes from being the least empathetic to the most empathetic Guardian. It seems silly & hollow that he’d refuse to kill him & then leave him on an exploding ship. And, yes, there is a deleted scene. It’s really great actually but it messed up the pacing of the end. But you’ll see it in the extras eventually.”
So it’s a good thing that fan asked, or I think we all would have assumed that he just exploded on the ship and died in space. It’s also cool to hear that we will get more info in a deleted scene when the movie is released on DVD/Blu-ray.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is still playing in theaters.