I don’t think anyone has even mentioned the hundreds of hours involved in grinding the online missions in order to unlock pieces of the “risky” costume sets, even if your aim was not to put Lin in said outfits, it is hardly worth it! Hundreds of hours of grinding the World Bosses for enough tickets to exchange for all the pieces, I am NOT kidding! You can literally do nothing else but looping the same mission over and over hoping you break enough pieces of the World Boss to get those materials to drop for only a handful of tickets, and that’s on top the game time involved until you’re powerful enough to farm the World Bosses effectively. I cannot stress it enough, save yourself the trouble and just enjoy this great game! Just google search if you feel the need to see. And if it’s the slider you’re concerned with, 99% of your game time will be staring at your character’s back, and they will be tiny on the screen when fighting large enemies. And once you’re in a Skell, forget it, you only get to see yourself in Overdrive activations, usually from behind (though the camera does swing around depending what’s going on). Not to take away too much from those who generally disapprove of true censorship, do keep fighting the good fight. But this, this is just too much of a nothing burger for me. Don’t forget, there’s lore reasons that can be said why everyone in New LA looks so…similar.