A video recently popped up online about a demake of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for the Nintendo DS.
In this demake, you can traverse the land of Hyrule as Link in all of its “low-poly” glory. While it was thought to have been created by a “mysterious Chinese dev”, it seems this is not the case.
The creator of the project, known as ‘Ermelber’ on social media, has now responded to GBATemp about this demake, explaining it’s something that was made “several years ago” with his friends, and speculation in a recent video about where it might have come from isn’t accurate.
It’s simply “leaked” online and found its way onto an AliExpress DS flashcard:
“It seems an old ROM of a project I was working on with friends leaked online, it’s so funny seeing people speculate about this as some sort of obscure piece of media by a mysterious Chinese dev, while it’s simply just something we made several years ago. LMAO”
The creator, who is apparently a game developer at a company called Strobetano, goes on to mention how this map featuring Link was mostly just a way for his team to test out its own “terrain engine and make something fun out of it”. Although he didn’t rule out returning to this demake one day, it seems unlikely at this stage.
You can see the latest video about this demake below, just keep in mind the “conspiracy theory” about where it might have come from has now been debunked.
As highlighted by GamesRadar, footage of this Breath of the Wild DS demake actually popped up on “the Chinese DailyMotion-like site BilliBilli” way back in 2019.
So there you go – case closed. This demake isn’t some mystery game, it’s just an “old ROM of a project” according to its creator.