At this point, we can all agree that Ryan Gosling has basically not aged in the last 20 years. If anything, he’s actually gotten better looking — which is quite evident when you look at him (and his abs) in the first promo shot for the Barbie movie and realize that he’s basically become his Ken character at the recent Gray Man premieres. The guy is just really, really ridiculously good looking. Even in the early ’00s, Gosling exuded a confidence and attractiveness that has only grown over the years. He mastered this non-smiling, semi-smirk on the red carpet way back in 2001 and it’s served him well for two decades now. Who needs to smile on the red carpet when you’re Ryan Freaking Gosling? Join us on a journey through the actor’s biggest red carpet moments from 2001 to the present and you’ll see exactly what we mean.
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