Robyn Brown. TLC
Robyn Brown revealed during part 3 of season 18’s Sister Wives: 1-on-1 special that her marriage to Kody Brown has taken a hit after his splits from his other wives.
“What he’s doing is he’s self-sabotaging,” Robyn, 45, said during the latest tell-all episode of the TLC series on Sunday, December 10. “He’s angry. He tries to [implode].”
Kody, 54, legally married Robyn and adopted her children from a prior relationship in 2014 after his legal divorce from first wife Meri Brown. Kody and Meri, 52, remained in a spiritual union for several years, confirming their split in January. The breakup came after Kody’s splits from Christine Brown in 2021 and Janelle Brown in 2022.
“He tries to [sabotage our relationship] and I have to stop him all the time,” Robyn revealed on Sunday, claiming that Kody started to pick fights with her after his other relationships fell apart. “We’re in different places about the bomb that went off on our family. I’m in a major place of mourning and he’s angry and he doesn’t want to [talk about it].”
Kody agreed during the tell-all that he was sabotaging his relationship with Robyn to “punish” himself after the failed marriages. “I thought of myself leaving Robin and having another lover and looking [at] this lover and going, ‘I don’t love you. I’m in love with another woman. I’m in love with a woman that I left because I was too much a piece of s–t to manage the relationship,’” he confessed, adding that he had “demons” to fight after Christine, 51, walked away from their union.
“[There was] a lot of devil, a lot of temptation, which would be destructive of my relationship with Robyn,” he recalled. “So I dealt with a lot of anger and she would get frustrated. My anger was a turn off. It was scary.”
Scroll down for more bombshell revelations from part 3 of Sister Wives: 1-on-1:
Meri Claims Kody Didn’t ‘Respect’ Her as a ‘Human Being’ Pre-Split
During season 18, which filmed in 2022 and aired this fall, Meri and Kody finally decided to part ways after years of turmoil. Meri explained in the tell-all that she realized that Kody valued his relationship with Robyn more than any other romance when he reminded Robyn about their covenant and seemingly revealed that it was stronger than his and Meri’s dynamic.
“He fell out of love with me or whatever. I only base that off of that scene where he said to [Robyn], ‘If I ever fall out of love with you, don’t string me along’ or whatever his words were,” Meri explained to host Sukanya Krishnan, claiming Kody never promised her that. “I’m like, ‘Then why did you not respect me enough as a human being?’”
Meri acknowledged that Kody didn’t feel like she was his “wife anymore, even though we made covenants, and nothing has happened to break them at that point,” claiming she deserved to hear it from him — and not on an episode of Sister Wives. “I understand that’s how you feel about me but have the respect for me as a human being to tell me to my face. And he didn’t,” she added.
Kody responded by arguing, “That covenant doesn’t include the dissolution of my soul or personality. That relationship does not work in a marriage for me. It’s that simple. I don’t care about the covenant if you can’t get through that, then it’s broken.”
Robyn and Kody Have ‘Never’ Had This Many ‘Problems’ in Marriage
“We’ve never had as many problems as we’re having right now in our marriage,” Robyn revealed. “He’s suspicious of anybody being disloyal to him. His suspicion is about women in general.”
Robyn explained that after going through his divorce from Christine, Kody became more “cautious” and “suspicious” of all women. “I said, ‘I feel like you’re lining up all the women [and] I’m there with them and you’re, you know, shooting them all down,’” she said. “And that’s not fair. Just because you’re having some issues with other women in your life, or a woman or whatever, doesn’t mean that we’re all bad.”
Christine Admits She Doesn’t ‘Trust’ Robyn
When asked to “name a reason” she’s not friends with Robyn, Christine replied, “Well, I don’t trust her.” She explained, “I think she says one thing but does another. How can you say you want the whole big family picture, but then do all these separate things with Kody? How can you say you want the whole big family picture when he’s over at your house all the time?”
That lack of trust has made Christine not want to maintain a relationship with her former sister wife. “I don’t want to sit here and blame Robyn, but I’m not going to be her friend because I don’t believe her,” she said. “But I’m not going to blame her for everything falling apart. I think we probably all have something to do with that.”
Meri also opened up about not trusting her ex-sister wives, claiming, “They don’t have my back.” After clarifying that Robyn does have her back, Meri admitted that she and Robyn are no longer as close as they once were.
“My relationship with Robyn, like, that’s something that she and I are working on and trying to figure out and navigate because it is different,” she said. “You know, as much as I think we would like to say, ‘No, it’s not [different],’ it is because now I’m friends with my ex-husband’s wife and I’m emotionally not 100 percent there yet.”
Robyn Claims Her Kids Were Mocked After Christmas 2021 Fallout
Viewers learned during season 18 that Janelle, 54, and Christine’s kids had a falling out with Robyn and her children while trying to organize a gift exchange for Christmas 2021. After Robyn allegedly inserted herself into the plans, Janelle and Robyn’s kids pulled back. Robyn claimed the kids even started to be mean toward her own children.
“[My kids] started trying to express themselves and the other kids started mocking them and dismissing them and it made them feel very ganged up on,” Robyn alleged on Sunday. “What had happened was my kids came to me and they said, ‘We don’t feel emotionally safe to be a part of this gift exchange anymore.’”
Christine recalled Robyn telling the group that she and Kody had decided their kids weren’t going to do the gift exchange at all after the dramatic fight. “[My kids] were devastated and they were like, ‘What does that mean? I thought those were our siblings,’” Christine claimed. “And they’re like, ‘Why can’t we just move past this and be siblings?’”
Janelle had a similar recollection of the drama, saying, “All of a sudden [Robyn] comes back with, ‘Well, I’ve talked to your dad, and we’re just going to do our thing separate,’” she recalled. “And so my kids were like, ‘Our dad, like, our dad? You mean the father of us all?’”
Robyn insisted that her children “really wanted to belong” and alleged that some of Kody’s other kids told them “they didn’t belong and they weren’t part of the family and things like that.”
Janelle Says Kids Were Told to ‘Sit Down and Shut Up’ When Robyn Married In
Looking back, Meri confessed that she thinks the family “could’ve done it better” when it came to integrating Robyn and her three kids from a prior relationship into their brood. “I think that some people felt like this was forced on them, like they didn’t have an opinion,” Meri said.
Janelle, meanwhile, claimed that the group “didn’t take the time to listen to our own children” before Robyn married Kody in 2014.
“We just kind of told them to just accept these kids. We really hurried and kind of put it together without really taking everybody’s temperature,” Janelle said, claiming, “They were being told to, you know, sit down and shut up and accept this family being merged in. I feel like maybe we should’ve taken some time.”
Christine Reveals Difference Between David Woolley and Kody
Christine gushed over her then-fiancé during the tell-all, revealing they met on an online dating site. “The night that I signed up for it, there was this picture and he has these eyes and I’m like, ‘I want to be looked at with those eyes with a look of love at him for the rest of my life,’” she recalled.
When asked to name the biggest difference between Woolley, whom she married in October, and Kody, Christine said it comes down to love. “The first thing I realized was that David loves me. He loves me, and I feel so loved. But with that comes a confidence that I can just be me,” she said. “There’s no strings attached to it. Nothing. I don’t have to do anything to earn his love. … It’s just always there.”
Part 4 of the Sister Wives: 1-on-1 special airs on TLC Sunday, December 17, at 10 p.m. ET.