If I’m not vying for a Cultural Victory, I’m usually winning the space race with a Science Victory. In the case of Civilization VII, the iconic Benjamin Franklin, known as The First American, pairs Diplomacy with Science for a more relaxed gameplay style that allows for turtling and slow-moving players to expand at a comfortable pace.
- +1 Science per Age for Production Buildings in Cities
- +50 percent Production towards Production Buildings
- +1 Science per Age from active Endeavors
With his strong focus on Production and Science, both seamlessly melding, you can rush construction projects and gain additional Science. It’s a cohesive plan that expands the empire while internally bolstering power levels through technology, such as modern-day weaponry like missiles and tanks. Oh, and he unlocks America during the Modern Age, which is always a fan-favorite powerhouse!
While Civilization VII wasn’t received well upon launch, the 4X strategy game still has plenty to offer genre fans, especially with a roadmap that should lead to greatness. Civ VII is out now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.