If you feel the need to pick up some slack on your Connections puzzle today, don’t be shy about taking some hints from us. There were some tricky words in this puzzle, but having a better idea of what the categories are and what some hints are for dealing with them will give you a path forward. Don’t wait for the puzzle to tell you you are wrong, instead, beat it the first time through.
If you are hoping to spend a lot more time puzzling today, check out the daily Password Game puzzle. It will take more time to solve than some of the NYT ones, and you will have to solve mini-puzzles along the way in order to get to a final answer. Each rule is like its own game, and you will have to figure out how to solve for all of them in order to win the game and get a new password.
Today’s Connections Category Hints
NOVEMBER 22 #530
Once you have started on a puzzle it can be hard to see the forests for the trees. In this case, the words are the trees and the categories are the forests. Often I find myself staring at the trees and not seeing the bigger picture. If that is you in today’s puzzle, you will want to use a few hints to help you see from a slightly different perspective. That can often make all the difference in the world, and to find that out for yourself, take a look at these clues:
- One category is about getting something many people want whether its good or bad
- One category is four different words used to describe the phenomenon of having multiple ways to look at something
- One category is about computer programs that have become increasingly popular
- One category is about four different titles that all end in the same word not shown in the puzzle

NYT Mini Crossword: 8 Strategies To Solve It Fast
This tricky little five by five crossword isn’t always as easy as it looks; here are a couple easy tips and tricks to beat your friends’ times!
Get any further assistance you need from the following spoilers. You will see the category names first, followed by the answers from each category listed in order.
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“___ ISLAND” |
Today’s Connections Answers
NOVEMBER 22 #530
Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained
This one did feel like the easy category today, which is not always the case. However, today it felt like this category was simply crying for ATTENTION. In some ways this can be good or bad, as often I get very excited that I finished off one category fast, only to get stumped as I look at the remaining words. However, it is still good to get four answers out of your way so that you do not overthink it, and instead you can finish off the puzzle without that unnecessary mess in your life.
Green Answers: Revealed & Explained
Different PERSPECTIVES are often the only way people are able to achieve something big, as multiple ANGLES are needed to get the full picture. It is likely why guides like this work, as you can not only have your point of view on the puzzle but my own as well. Having a LENS through which to view something often makes it a lot easier to follow, and you can see more details. In Connections, that makes it easier for you to win.

Wordle History: Archive Of All Past Words Used
Wordle is a simple daily word game that has taken the internet by storm. With only 6 chances to get the right answer, players may need a little help.
Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained
The weird year that was 2020 was also the year of the rise of ZOOM, among these other work platforms. While SLACK and TEAMS had been around for a while, and MEET had some traction before that, it was not until that year that they suddenly became what we used the most for nearly everything. Now, it is so much part of my life that I got this category almost immediately after the yellow one and without thinking about it much if at all.
Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained
“___ ISLAND” |
I’m not fully aware of all of these titles, although most of them at least ring a bell. SHUTTER was the main problem here, as I thought the green category was probably about photography for a little while. I even had ZOOM put into that category for a moment before I saw the other meeting options. Once ZOOM was taken out, it became a lot easier to see the other categories and thus easier to get the win and just pick these words at the end.
Other Games Like Connections
Of all of the browser puzzles I have tried for these guides, the one that has stumped me the most and has challenged me is Primel, a numbers game that you will likely either love or hate.

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- June 12, 2023
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- The New York Times Company
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